PARTNERS INVESTMENTS o.c.p., a.s. plans on satisfying the growing demand for attractive investment opportunities through investments into managed portfolios comprising stock and bond ETF funds. The company offers their clients attractive products using the latest technology. The distribution process is modern, fast and automated with minimal activity required by the financial agent. PARTNERS INVESTMENTS uses technology from FINAMIS, s.r.o. for the implementations.
FINAMIS has prepared two products, AMS and AMS-WEB® robo-advisor module as part of delivery. Once the investment profile is evaluated, software algorithms offer one or more investment strategies, whereby the selection upper limit restricts the client's risk profile. A user-friendly process is part of the AMS-WEB® application front-end, which supports the investment product distribution process step by step. This way, an external financial agent is able to manage the otherwise very complex investment process by simply using a tablet connected to the internet. "The core of our company is the AMS information system, a robust banking software which is installed at banks here and abroad," stated Martin Čája, Operations Manager at PARTNERS INVESTMENTS.
The service implementation follows a more than 8-month long development and testing process. AMS-WEB® is an application natively integrated with AMS.
At FINAMIS, the modifications for PARTNERS INVESTMENTS required than 300 mandays of work.
The company is the first entity to have received a license at the time of the strict MIFID 2 regulation and also obtained a license for performing investing activities from the Slovak National Bank "with no comments," as is stated in the press release from August 20, 2019. Please visit for more information.