2019 09      
The Software for PARNTERS INVESTMENTS Is Looking Forward to a Record Number of Users


Security trader PARTNERS INVESTMENTS, o.c.p., a.s. started operations in August 2019. Clients of one of the largest providers of investments products in Slovakia will now exclusively take advantage of its investment solutions. PARTNERS INVESTMENTS has professional support from its parent company, PARTNERS GROUP SK when providing services to their clients.


FINAMIS, which developed and implemented the needed systems, is the software provider and IT partner of this security trader.  FINAMIS proposed that the requirements be covered using the AMS and AMS-WEB® applications, whereby existing software functionalities, which were suitable for client administration and investment portfolio management were used in large part. FINAMIS also delivered front end processes as part of the installation. These were developed based on the needs of PARTNERS INVESTMENTS. They mainly consist of distribution network support – a module for contractual documents in paperless format and support of consulting and agent activities via investment strategies and model portfolios. Some of the functionalities were prepared and paid for by the supplier as part of product development. Adaptation and project work took more than 300 mandays at FINAMIS.


The solution delivered to PARTNERS INVESTMENTS broke several interesting new records:

  • Thanks to the  PARTNERS GROUP SK distribution network, the number of users in the financial agent role should exceed 1000 external agents at PARTNERS INVESTMENTS
  • The number of users in the end client role is even more interesting. Several hundreds of thousands of clients - investors are expected, which will be a new record for AMS in terms managed entities in one installation.
  • Contracting a new client – onboarding – is a first-time client implementation at PARTNERS INVESTMENTS and we expect an increased interest in this service in the future, as it is certainly a great advantage.
  • This was a 5th security trader for which FINAMIS delivered the AMS information system, which brought us up to a  20% penetration in this segment in Slovakia.

These are interesting numbers for the AMS product series. Repeated requests for the system prove the quality of these products as well as the support services, which FINAMIS provides to their clients.




The company is the first entity to have received a license at the time of the strict MIFID 2 regulation. It also obtained a license for performing investing activities from the Slovak National Bank "with no comments" as is stated in the press release from August 20, 2019. Please visit https://partnersinvestments.sk/ for more information.
