Asset Management Slovenskej sporiteľne /Slovak republic
Thanks to a wide range of products and the volume of managed asset is the Asset Management of Slovenská sporiteľňa (AM SLSP) located at the forefront of asset management companies in Slovakia. It belongs to the Group of Austrian Erste Asset Management, who is its main shareholder. AM SLSP manages assets of various types of money funds, manages individual portfolios according to defined investment strategy and risk profile of their clients.
In the management of portfolios has AM SLSP deployed the AMS application, with the intention to use the reconciliation functionality of client portfolios. Reconciliation is an effective method for central management of portfolio groups using several model portfolios that correspond to the investment strategy. The advantage of the solution is the ability to define and implement investment plans for managed portfolios with a few clicks. Thus, the client portfolios are synchronized at the end of the process against a model portfolio, whereby the user achieves the same parameters or area-wide fulfilment of the necessary criteria.
AMS deployment plan contained the necessary technical preparation (HW), implementation of individual requirements, environment setup (setup), user training by Finamis, as well as testing and final acceptance by the client. The project was successfully completed within the agreed time frame.
Utilization of reconciliation means added value for the client in the form of increasing the efficiency of portfolio managers, time saving, higher degree of automation, elimination of errors in multiple, mechanical operations.