Expobank CZ / Czech republic
Expobank CZ a.s. operates on the Czech market as an universal bank, providing services to corporate, private and affluent clients. In the past, the bank was known as BAWAG Bank CZ a.s. and LBBW Bank CZ a.s. Following a change in ownership in 2014, the bank changed its official name to Expobank CZ a.s.
At the end of 2016, the bank's management initiated a project entitled "Treasury Front Office - Trading Book" for the internal Treasury department. The aim was to obtain a new automated solution to replace the manual processes of the Treasury employees for "Front office" and "Risk management" tasks of managing bank's own assets. Several suppliers were invited to present their offers, and FINAMIS was selected with its bid for delivery of the Asset Management Suite (AMS) software solution. A contract was signed at the end of January 2017 with delivery date set at the end of March 2017. The commitment made to the client was fulfilled despite the exceptionally tight schedule.
The project involved modification of functionalities to accommodate the bank's business model, connection of AMS system to a source of market prices, interface from the back-office system for data reconciliation, reporting tools and adjustment of limit controls. The bank uses the software for specifying instructions and transactions, limit controls for the bank's own assets, and for calculating risk according to the Value-at-Risk method. The implementation has automated a range of processes and thus increased the effectiveness of the client's operation.
Customer valuation
"The project had very ambitious deadlines, and furthermore we continued to adjust the specifications and extend the range of functionalities throughout the implementation process, in particular in the limit calculation logic. Despite this, the supplier met the original deadline."
IT Director, 2017